On Sunday, Jayden's actual birthday, we went up to a beautiful lake in the mountains and had a small BBQ. The day would have been perfect, except for two things: 1- Jason had to work and couldn't come with us! and 2- it was cold! much colder than we thought it was going to be.
But we had fun anyways, and Jayden the beach baby especially loved it.
Here are daddy and Aaron cooking the lunch:

My mom rinsing off Jayden's bum after he got all sandy. Nice smile, Jayden! Nothing like a birthday bum :)

He didn't want to stay still long enough to take this pic... he wanted back in the water!

Playing on the grass and having a snack

And to end an exciting birthday weekend, here is the birthday boy in the tub, getting clean and shiny. What a great way to begin a new year!
Good job mami! Our water babies what can I say... Looked like fun but cold? buuuuuu
aaw great photos!!
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