Sunday, March 16, 2008

Belly Update: 24 and a half weeks!

Ok well I am officially huge. Jason took these pics tonight, first with this green turtleneck on:

I looked at the pictures, and thought, ok there is no way I am really that big. I certainly don't feel that big! So I changed my shirt (it had to be the shirt's fault, right?!?!) and had Jason take some more...

And... still HUGE! Guess it wasn't the shirt. I'm just big! To be honest, I'm starting to feel it. It was hard to put my socks on today, and it takes me a little longer to get up a flight of stairs now. And I'm still working out, just a tad slower....

Guess the boy is healthy and growing! Less than 3 weeks and I'm in the 3rd trimester already!


Jennifer Terrero said...

Look at your belly!!!!!!!! Yes it is big.... BUT a CUTE big!!!!! I cant wait to rub it!!! ;o)

Anonymous said...

i hope im as sexy as you when im preggers one day! i love the pic of champ and jason lol so cute...when can i come visit your familia?!? i may just bring pumpkin along too he misses you guys ;) talk to you soon! xo

Meli said...

How cute! Can't wait to see it in person this weekend!