Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Commuting in Vancouver

I learned today that big city commuting kinda sucks!!! I now have my daily routine down though: to get to work, I walk 10 minutes to the train (subway) station. I take the train for 20-25 minutes. Then I get off the train and wait in line with a few hundred UBC students for the bus. Today we stood and watched 3 buses come and go, while the line barely moved because the buses were so full no one else could get on. Ok, so I finally get on the bus (standing room only) and ride down the street for another 15 minutes. Of course, this bus stops no where near my job, so I get off the bus and have another 5 blocks to walk before I finally get to work. All in all, it looks like it will take 75 minutes to get to work in the morning, and an hour and a half to get home at night.

Craziest part? I kind of like it!

(Now, ask me again when its raining in January and I might have a different answer for you...)


Anonymous said...

you're a crazy WAY would you ever find me commuting again! Congrats on getting the job too! The farthest we have to go now is the basement, and it couldn't be better!!!

Glad to hear you're enjoying Canada! If you get out this way to a Ti-Cats (Hamilton) game, give us a shout- dad has season tickets to the world's worst football stadium and team, we'll have a beer :)

DKScott said...

i used to do that route everyday to work! good for you!