Friday, August 22, 2008

Jayden's first playdate!

Jayden had his first playdate this week, with some of mommy's friends and their new babies. There were 3 other babies there- Logan is 10 weeks old, Haden is the same age as Jayden (born one day before Jayden!) and then Gwen is just 2 weeks old. Here are a few pics of the babies, they seemed to get along pretty well!

From left to right: Haden, Gwen, Jayden and Logan

Why does Jayden look as big as the 10 week old baby???? :)

Haden, born 7/11 and Jayden, born 7/12. Friends already!

Jayden update

Jayden is officially 6 weeks old tomorrow (Saturday). He is growing and growing every day! As of his checkup this week, our big boy weighs 11 pounds, 14 ounces (95th percentile!) and is almost 23" long (75th percentile).

He is so alert now, and loves to watch the mobile in his playpen and the waterfall in his crib. He also likes to sit and talk to his papi, cooing and drooling everywhere!

And in case you were wondering, he looks EXACTLY like his papi! Here they are, Jason and his mini-me:

Mommy, please stop flashing the camera in my face!

LOL, my little thug in his "Big Dog" hoodie (relax, grandpa, it's from Old Navy, so not too hard core! I promise his jeans will always be pulled up around his waist!)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Aaaannnnnddddd... we're rolling!

Just had to share some pics of Jayden rolling over from his tummy to his back. I think someone forgot to tell him that he isn't big enough to be doing this already! I also think he is going to be moving around quickly... we better get ready, cause once he starts moving, I don't think there will be any slowing him down!! :)

"Hey, I can't see anything in this position..."
"Ok, this is better...I can see a little now..."
"Wow my head is heavy! But I like looking around..."
"Hey wait, what's happening? Where am I going? Darn heavy head!"
"How did I end up on my back???" :)

1 month old today!

I guess everyone is right, time really does fly, because our little tiny baby is already a month old! He seems like he really does grow and change every day... on his 3 week birthday, he rolled over for the first time from his belly to his back... he recognizes his mommy and daddy now and is cooing and talking more than ever!

Look how much he has changed in the past month! He's already up to over 10 and a half pounds... going to be a big boy like his daddy!

Better late than never... he's here!

I know, I know, I've been gone for a while... but I have a really good reason, and his name is Jayden Antonio Jimenez!

Jayden was born (finally!) on July 12, 2008, at 2:30 pm. He was too big for his mommy, and had the cord wrapped around his neck, so he was born via c-section. He was born 9 pounds, 6.5 ounces, and 21 1/2 inches long- a big healthy boy!

Here are a few pics of Jayden right after he was born :

More pics to come!